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  • Writer's pictureSarah LaMantia

Thrifting Ideas + Tips:

Updated: Mar 21, 2020

Do you ever go to the m

all with your friends and you see these amazing and cute clothes? Then you look at the price tag and it's way too expensive, so you decide not to get it.

...Yeah, me too.

...Guess what? ... There's a wonderful thing called... Thrift Shopping!!

What is Thrift Shopping?

-Thrift shopping is shopping at a local store that sells secondhand clothes and other items, to raise funds for charitable organizations and other charitable purposes.

What's so great about Thrift Shopping?

-Thrift shopping is cheap and helps you save money, but it also exposes you to try new things for yourself and others. For example, you can find a whole new aesthetics and wardrobe for yourself, to finding new things to decorate your room or house with. Thrift shops also don't only sell clothes, they sell books, music albums, records, furniture, jewelry, purses, bags, shoes, and so much more!

Things you need to know, when Thrift Shopping:

- Prices and Sales: Keep prices in mind and think if it's worth getting based on how much the item is and how crazy you are about it. Also check clearance racks and check for what's on sale. You can save even more money!

- Wash and Clean: When you get home, wash your new clothes and items. Not all thrift stores, washes and cleans everything.

- Try different shops open minded: Go to all kinds of different thrift stores. You never know what other thrift stores might have. While searching, search with an open and adventurous mind! Don't just go with one thing in mind. Look for more of what you want or need.

- Out of season: When shopping, you don’t always have to shop for things for the season/weather your in. You can buy things for the upcoming year or for future events, and stuff you know you'll wear later on.

My Thrift Shopping Ideas and Tips:

Go with your friends:

-The more people you go with, the more fun it will be!


-My biggest tip is to try on everything, even if you aren't sure it will look good, or if it's not the size you normally wear. You never know how it may look or fit.

Step out of your comfort zone:

-Go in the men's section, even if you usually shop in the women's section or vice versa.

Look through everything:

-When you're looking through a clothing rack, keep swiping through, until you find something you like. If you find something you like, show your friends. They might like it or it might look good on them, if it doesn't on you. Also check the return racks, outside the dressing rooms, to see what other people were interested in. They might interest you too.

Before you buy:

-Check everything before you buy the item you're interested in. When checking for clothes, check for rips, tears, hols, loose threads, broken zippers, and missing buttons, etc.

Add your own style:

-Remember: you can change and style the clothes and items you bought, in your own way. For example: Cropping, adding, painting, cutting, etc. You don't always have to keep it the way you bought it.

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